3 things you MUST do for SEO…
…that don’t even involve editing your website’s content.
Despite what many people might have you believe, SEO is NOT magic…voodoo or any other kind of hocus pocus. The starting point for most businesses is usually quite simple.
First, is your business on Google Maps or Google Business? If not, this will help tremendously.
This is NOT something anyone else can do for you. You must register your business with Google and then wait for a postcard from them with a confirmation #.
Then you must confirm your business. It isn’t hard but kind of tedious.
However, this is the starting point for most businesses.
Next, is your website added into Google’s Webmaster Tools? This is somewhat of an easy thing to do and vital to getting your site’s pages listed on Google.
Webmaster Tools will give you basic details about your traffic & how many pages of your site are indexed.
For more complete data about your traffic and where it comes from, you use Google Analytics. This tool will give you the works about your traffic.
It is also a must when optimizing a website.
These 3 very simple things are the absolute beginning for most small business’ SEO. If you haven’t started here…then you haven’t started at all.
Tip: Good reviews from Google’s Local Guides can help boost your business on Google Maps.
The inescapable truth is that it doesn’t matter if your website ranks well in the search engine if the conversion ratios are terrible. If the design is bad or it lacks call to action, then all the SEO in the world won’t matter.
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